Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Following

If Charles Mason is not creepy enough, now we have a prime time series at Fox called The Following.
Like Charles Mason, the psycho called Joe Caroll has a cult and has gathered people as crazy as he is to commit murders for him. Again, America is shocked with "monsters" dragging young teenagers to cages and raping them and beating them for 10 years, but they don't know where this come from???

Charles Mason

When a society substitutes light & cute tv series like Seinfeld, Mad about You, tv series that focus only on brutal murders like Dexter, The Following, CSI, Bones, etc etc...what do you expect?
Stop worshiping creeps, stop making them look like movie stars, stop pretending that the life and thoughts of psychopaths are interesting, stop turning their days in court into a reality show and maybe, just maybe, you will have a healthier society!
If Ariel Castro's lawyer is saying he is a sweet man - well, sweet usually does not go with torture, rape, incarceration and many other criminal activities...but that depends on each society's definition of sweet!
BTW, The Following, has a constant rate of 3 to 4 million viewers since its debut!!

Making psychos look like movie stars is wicked or wacky? You tell Me...

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